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Journal of Legal Dynamics since Vol 23 No 4 (2024) has moved the website to  . All manuscript submissions will only be processed through the website.

Posted: 2025-03-26 More...



Jurnal Dinamika Hukum welcomes the authors' submissions, some important information we need to convey below:

  1. Jurnal Dinamika Hukum is currently in the process of national accreditation, we do not recommend if the author is a lecturer who wants to use it as a "Penilaian Angka Kredit (PAK)" because Sinta Indexation will not read the accreditation status. This is not a problem if it is used as a "Beban Kinerja Dosen (BKD); and
  2. Editorial is currently in the process of submission in Scopus indexation, and we are tightening the quality of articles so that it is possible for articles to be rejected in the review process if they do not meet editorial expectations.

Since the Vol 24 No 1 (2024) Edition, the Editorial has determined the following updated authorial standards:

  1. Introduction must write novelty, this section must explain by comparing with three other articles (only journals or proceedings);
  2. The introduction also explains the contribution of this article to the international community;
  3. The article must use 30 primary references (journals and proceedings), five of which are Scopus indexed. If the author does not have access to the Scopus database, the Editorial will provide some suggestions;
  4. The use of secondary references (books or book chapters) is allowed in minimal amounts, preferably only to explain theory or grand theory;
  5. Use the new template in, especially the use of mendeley and combining conclusions and suggestions in one section;
  6. The number of words in the article is 6,000 - 7,500 words (excluding title, abstract, and references);
  7. Reducing the writing of the discussion section with excessive pointers, the Editorial recommends that articles be written with descriptive paragraphs. The use of tables, graphics, and images can improve the quality of articles. Each paragraph must have a reference, to justify the analysis presented.
Posted: 2024-06-17
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