Arlina Permanasari


State practice shows the increase use of drones in internal armed conflict. The discussion is conducted to answer whether national law adopts humanitarian law principles on the use of drones in internal armed conflict. Qualitative analysis is conducted with primary and secondary legal materials. The Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 90/2015 on Unmanned Aircraft Operation Control in airspace served by Indonesia and Minister of Defense Regulation No. 26/2016 on the use of drones for defense and security affairs does not contain the distinction principle, proportionality principle and precautionary principle. It is interpreted that the clauses in both rules on licensing, airspace classification and its activities can be used as a first step in intelligence gathering which will be useful in applying the distinction principle at the time of internal armed conflict. It is necessary to formulate the rules in detail in Military Manual that adopt humanitarian law principles.


Keywords: drone, humanitarian law principles, Indonesian legislation

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