Land Reform: Government Effort in Prospering Rural Communities

Hendra Sukarman, Kana Purwadi, Intan Muttoharoh


This study discusses the concept of Land reform which has evolved in line with the function of land as a production factor, a source of wealth, a status symbol, and a source of social or political influence. Finally returned the commitment to run the Land reform program to the state officials to make it happen. The Land reform Agenda cannot proceed without the participation of the State. The research method used is descriptive-analytical and uses a normative juridical approach. Data collection techniques use library research and field studies. However, it cannot deny that land reform in Indonesia is none other than the objective of the Agrarian Act number 5 of 1960 itself as the basis for the existence of people's welfare, it always been a reference for land law in our country, including efforts to reform in the land sector. Land reform in Indonesia has entered 3 (three) periods: Old Order, New Order, and Reform. Proves that the land reform program is mandatory, so it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive evaluation in various regions regarding this land reform program

Keywords: land reform, evaluation, development, welfare

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