General Principles of Good Governance in Administrative Court Decision Regarding Request for Review of Abuse of Authority
The administrative court is given the authority to review the request for review of abuse of authority according to the legislation and general principles of good governance as the two touchstones. This review may serve as a testing benchmark to discuss the issue of the request over the abuse of authority as requested by government officials, recalling that abuse of authority has several criteria to proscribe and regulate in the general principles of good governance. The research problems involved the criteria and the bases for determining the type of abuse of authority in the request over the abuse of authority. This research employed a normative method, statutory, and historical approaches. The research results concluded that the Decision 2/P/PW/2017/PTUN.JBI holds the relevance to the current legislation, public interest, and the absence of state losses, while the Decision 09/P/PW/2018/PTUN.Sby only refers to the current legislation in terms of its relevance. Although the general principles of good governance refer to the administrative court as the touchstone, this touchstone is not optimally used in the request for review of abuse of authority.
Keywords: AUPB (general principles of good governance); Administrative Court; request for review of abuse of authority.
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