The Impact of The Development of Investment and Construction on The Land Reform Years in Indonesia
This study measures the effect of laws that eases liberal investment to land reform utilization in Indonesia regulated from Law Number 5 of 1960 or commonly referred to as the Basic Agrarian Law, the Government of the orde lama or colonial regulations, orde baru or new regulations, and many reforms issued policies that are certainly different from each regime. A literature review is used as the study approach. This study found that the presence of a law that facilitates investment has a major effect on the implementation of land reform, and the regulations that emerge tend to be liberal and only benefit certain parties. This is certainly contrary to the Indonesian legal basis law, namely the 1945 Constitution, especially Article 33 paragraph 3 and also Pancasila. Meanwhile, a successful land reform will increase economic growth in various countries that implement it because land reform helps increase people’s income.
Keywords: Investment, Land reform, Economic Growth
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