Political Policy Related to Alleviation of Underdeveloped Regions Through Tourism Investmen (A Study in Pacitan Regency)
Indonesia has plentiful potential ecotourism in numerous areas which has not been explored yet by the Authorities such as the Ministry of Tourism. Each region has the authority to regulate its own territory by making policies based on the Law on Regional Government. The Regional Government of Pacitan Regency has established three Regional Regulations that are relevant to investment development efforts in the tourism sector. Each Regional Regulation certainly has a political goal to be achieved. This legal research was conducted to analyze the form of legal politics related to investment development in the tourism industry based on the policies of the Regional Government of Pacitan Regency that have been implemented. This type of legal research used empirical juridical analysis of qualitative data obtained through field studies and literature studies to find out the implementation of regional regulations related to tourism in Pacitan Regency. The conclusion of this research is that the Regional Government of Pacitan Regency opens the widest possible investment development efforts in the field of tourism through the establishment of Regional Regulation policies.
Keywords: Investment; Political Policy; Tourism; Underdeveloped Region
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.jdh.2019.19.3.2683
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