Proving The Insanity Defense in The Enforcement of Criminal Law in Indonesia
Criminal liability is a manifestation of the perpetrator for his or her crime. Article 44 (1) of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) explains that the insanity defense may release a perpetrator from conviction. For this research, the utilized research method was normative legal research, by which legal regulations are examined and the results neither reject nor accept a hypothesis, but give prescriptions for what should be proposed. The results of this research showed that first, insanity defense can release a criminal offender from conviction. This is because the perpetrator is unable to consciously understand that his or her actions are against the law, and that person cannot be held with criminal liability. Second, the construction of a verdict to declare whether or not a person qualifies for the insanity defense must be made in advance of his or her psychological condition, to decide if it is appropriate for the perpetrator to be convicted.
Keywords: Proving; Insanity Defense; Enforcment of Crimina Law.
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